Can you reach my son?

Shalom Brothers and Sisters,

A song has come to mind when I think about the pain and suffering that my son is going through.  He is enduring with the complications that comes from stage 4 cancer.  He is only 20.  I started losing contact with my son when he was first diagnosed with Evans Syndrome, April 2014.  I had never heard of it and like the curious nerd that I am, I needed to know everything about what was happening to my son.  So, I researched and was disappointed with the lack of information that there is out there.  However, the most troubling thing that I did find was the prognosis.  I instantly and constantly prayed for my son.  I reminded God about the promise that he made to His children about long life and about how He knows that I have been praying for my children since before their births and…

A couple of Sabbaths ago, my heart was heavy and I was praying asking the Most High to make my son embrace the love of God with his whole heart, mind, soul, and spirit because I keep getting hit in the face with him dying without establishing a right relationship with God.  Since that eye-opening diagnosis in 2014, my son: has been diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer; beat cancer twice; suffered through a stem cell transplant; given 6 months to live; and live his life fully in spite of constant pain and other annoying complications.  I have not ceased praying that God works a miracle in his life and let him live to be that old age promised.  That quiet voice whispered to me that my prayers are being heard but my son has not reached out to the only help he has.  I keep trying to push my will on my son but I have to repent and let the Most High do his work and will.

But.  Here on this Sabbath, I keep hearing the gospel singer praying to God through song asking for Him to reach her friend.  And.  I am here, praying to God asking to reach my son.

Servant Denise

4 thoughts on “Can you reach my son?

  1. Keep the faith Denise. God tests each of us in different ways…ways that at times cannot be explained or understood. You are strong and that is admirable. I am sorry that your trials have been difficult ones but keep the faith. I am proud to call you a friend – MY FRIEND!

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  2. Shalom Denise. It sounds like you have done your best. We can only pray that your son truly in his heart made peace with TMH before his departure. Have faith that he heard you. Stay faithful!- Old class mate. Tami Neal McKenzie

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